PAMA Webinar

Webinar: Take the Lead: Inspirational Stories from Leaders in Performing Arts Medicine

PAMA Young Professionals Webinar: Take the Lead: Inspirational Stories from Leaders in Performing Arts Medicine

About this Webinar

March 13, 2023 at 8:00 pm EST

Join us on Monday March 13th to be inspired by four amazing leaders in Performing Arts Medicine who will share their journeys in the field. Our guest speakers are as follows: Bethany Bultman, the Director and President of New Orleans Musicians Clinic and Assistance Foundation. Dr David Hinkamp, a member of PAMA’s Board of Directors, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Physician, Director of Health and Safety in the Arts in Cuba Program, and Founder and co-director of the Health in the Arts Program at the University of Illinois. Dr Matt McCrary, another member of PAMA’s Board of Directors and a Postdoctoral Researcher at Hannover Medical University and the Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians’ Medicine. Dr Sheyi Ojofeitimi the Director of Therapy Services at Alvin Ailey American Dance Foundation, CEO of Synthesis Physical Therapy and co-founder of the Dance Ready Project. It will be an exciting hour hearing the stories of these four remarkable individuals, as well as having time to ask the panel questions and get inspired for your own journey within Performing Arts Medicine.



The recording from this webinar is available to members by clicking here. You must log in to watch.