March 25-27, 2022
Barness Recital Hall and Conference Hall
Dear Colleagues, Friends, and Fellow Interprofessionals in Performing Arts Medicine,
We are happy to announce the Fourth USF- Performing Arts Medicine Conference–Inspiring Health in The Arts. We are glad to bring this long-awaited conference in-person with remote options.
We will feature eminent keynote speakers, Madeline Bruser, Dr. Marijeanne Liederbach, and Dr. Alan Lockwood. We have scheduled two interprofessional panels, twelve presentations, five workshops, two masterclasses, a yoga session, four posters, and a Noraxon demonstration. The presenters are from far and near and from prestigious institutions including NYU Steinhardt, Johns Hopkins, University of Toronto, Arizona State University, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Northwestern University Clinics, Oxford Round Table, FSU, FU, USF, Jacksonville University, and many others.
There will be a Reception, Saturday Concert, and Sunday Panel-Luncheon giving ample opportunities for participants interaction.
USF Health School of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences is an approved provider of Continuing Education for Physical Therapists pursuant to the Board of Physical Therapy chapter 64b17-9. USF SPTRS designates this educational activity for up to 18 contact hours.
Keynote Speakers
“Unleashing Musical Potential Through Mindfulness”
Author of the acclaimed book, The Art of Practicing, New York City based pianist Madeline Bruser has taught musicians from six continents, both in person and online. Her distinct approach helps musicians to release physical and mental tension so they can transform their playing and expressive capacities. Her book has sold more than 85,000 copies in English and has been translated into Korean, Chinese, and Italian. Her popular Art of Practicing Institute summer program provides in-depth, immersive group learning. Madeline has served on the Committee for Pianists‘ Wellness for the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy and has been a guest presenter at the MedArt World Congress on Arts and Medicine and at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. She will be a featured speaker at a Performing Arts Medicine Association conference in March. Madeline has served on the Adjunct Piano Faculty at Teachers College, Columbia University, and at the New School University. She has been practicing mindfulness meditation since 1977, when she sought it out to gain more relaxation and confidence in performance. madeline@artofpracticing.com
ALAN LOCKWOOD, MD, FAAN, FANA, Neurologist, Oberlin, Ohio
“Health and Performing Arts: Legacy.”
Alan Lockwood, MD, FAAN, FANA, has been an active member of Physicians for Social Responsibility for over three decades, is a past president of PSR, and currently serves as a member of PSR’s board of directors. Dr. Lockwood is an Emeritus Professor of Neurology and Nuclear Medicine at the University at Buffalo. He is an elected Fellow of the American Neurological Association and a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology. Dr. Lockwood is the author of more than 200 publications on diverse scientific topics including hepatic encephalopathy, medical problems of musicians, functional imaging of the auditory system and tinnitus, medical ethics, and environmental toxicants. He was the lead author of PSR’s report Coal’s Assault on Human Health. Dr. Lockwood is also the author of two peer-reviewed books on health and the environment, The Silent Epidemic: Coal and the Hidden Threat to Health (2012, MIT Press), and Heat Advisory: Protecting Health on a Warming Planet (2016, MIT Press). Dr. Lockwood received his medical degree at Cornell University Medical College and was trained in Neurology at the University of California San Francisco. ahl@buffalo.edu
“Applying Biopsychosocial Injury Prevention Strategies to All Genres of Dance.”
Marijeanne Liederbach, PhD, PT, ATC, CSCS is Director of the Harkness Center for Dance Injuries at NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital and Research Associate Professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at NYU School of Medicine. Prior to her current appointment, she headed the Dance Medicine Services for The Joffrey Ballet while serving as Supervisor of Sports Physical Therapy at the Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma at Lenox Hill Hospital and Instructor of Kinesiology at Columbia University. Dr. Liederbach is a physical therapist and certified athletic trainer with a doctorate in biomechanics and ergonomics. She has provided backstage therapy for hundreds of dancers, dance companies and Broadway shows and has authored numerous papers and chapters as well as lectured internationally on topics pertaining to the prevention and care of sports and dance injuries. Dr. Liederbach has long served on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, the National Advisory Committee for the American Physical Therapy Association’s Performing Arts Practice Analysis and the DanceUSA Task Force on Dancer Health. She is also an elected Affiliate Member of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, a Founding Member of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science as well as Chair of its Standard Measures Consensus Initiative. Prior to her career in Dance Medicine, Dr. Liederbach danced professionally for many years and worked as a choreographer. Her critically acclaimed work has been shown in Europe and throughout the United States. In 2010, she was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Dance Library of Israel by Broadway sensation, Ben Vereen. Marijeanne.Liederbach@nyulangone.org