PAMA Webinar

Orchestrate Your Wellbeing

Monday June 17, 2024

10 am PT

1 pm ET

6 pm UK

7 pm Sweden


Orchestrate Your Wellbeing: Finding your Healthcare Team as an Orchestral Musician

Join us for this exciting webinar which aims to increase awareness of the support available within performing arts medicine for orchestral musicians. Studies show that 84% of orchestral musicians have experienced pain or injuries that interfered either with playing their instrument or participating in normal orchestral rehearsals and performances, and over 70% of musicians struggle with mental health challenges. When we consider the demands faced by orchestral musicians and the lack of support available in typical healthcare settings, this data is not surprising. However, it is essential for artists to maintain their well-being and seek help at early stages of health challenges. Performers are often not aware of healthcare services that can be tailored to artists to support both their well-being and performance ability. The Performing Arts Medicine Association is an international organization made up of dedicated medical professionals, artists, educators, and administrators with the common goal of improving the health care of the performing artist. This webinar aims to provide information for orchestral musicians, regardless of what resources are available locally, to support their health and well-being.


The recording of this webinar is available to members only, please log in to view.